Charity Navigator Four-Star Rating

Community Minded and Fiscally Responsible

ProJeCt works hard to ensure our programs are relevant to the needs of our community and that we are being fiscally responsible with our supporters’ gifts.

EITC Program

EITC ProgramProJeCt of Easton is approved for the PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program as a Pre-Kindergarten Scholarship (PKSO) and an Educational Improvement Organization (EIO) for 2021.

If your company has been approved for EITC credits by the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development, please consider a gift to ProJeCt.

If you would like to learn more about ProJeCt and our programs, please get in touch with Kim Checkeye, Executive Director, at 610-258-4361 x 10 or

To learn more about Educational Tax Credits, please visit the PA Department of Community and Economic Development at:

Thank you for supporting ProJeCt! Together we can build a better community by helping people to help themselves! ProJeCt’s mission is to “build a better community by helping people help themselves.” We prepare people to succeed in work, school, and life by providing them with support and instruction in the skills needed to break the cycle of poverty and achieve their goals. Your gift will help low-income families increase their economic mobility and become self-reliant, contributing members of our community.​

You can choose to give to either or both of our approved programs:

  • Pre-Kindergarten Program (PKSO): Children of parents with low literacy skills have a 72% chance of being at the lowest reading levels, and in Pennsylvania, 82% of children whose parents do not have a high school degree live in low-income families.  ProJeCt’s Pre-K program serves only low-income children and parents. The program aims to prepare children for success in school through a literacy-rich curriculum and high-quality, developmentally appropriate instruction.

  • SIZZLE!® (EIO): ProJeCt’s SIZZLE!® program is a free summer literacy day camp for low-income, at-risk children in grades K-5. Children from low-income families lose, on average, more learning, specifically in reading comprehension and word recognition, over the summer than children from higher-income families. SIZZLE!®, a trademarked program of ProJeCt, helps children “learn to read” so that they can  “read to learn.” The program aims to increase or maintain reading scores to decrease the adverse effects of the “summer slide” learning loss.